Action Taken Report On Curriculum Feedback

Feedback on curriculum was collected from all the stakeholders and was analyzed by IQAC. The feedback was consolidated and report submitted to the Principal. The same was discussed in the CAC and an action plan was prepared.

The following are the actions taken based on the recommendations of College Academic Committee.

S.No.StakeholderFeedbackAction Taken
1StudentsStudents requested to provide more practical oriented and interactive sessions during teaching learning process. The principal has instructed all Head Of the Departments to conduct more projects based learning sessions and workshops for hands on sessions.
2TeachersThe orientation of syllabus should be enriched with more case studies.Principal has instructed all the faculty members to adapt case study approach in teaching learning process.
3AlumniThe Alumni opined that domain based specific training should be a part of curriculum.Principal has instructed the Head of the Departments to identify Department specific domains and impart the training on the same.
Industrial training should be made as mandatory for the students.Principal has instructed the Head of the Departments and TPO to encourage and assist the students to undergo industrial training.
4ParentsParents advised that, the students shall be groomed towards achieving their goals. Principal asked the HOD’s to prepare a well designed programme to enable and empower the newly admitted students in accomplishing of his/her goals.
5EmployersEmployers suggested that apart from the regular academic curriculum, students should be exposed to more latest technological trends.Principal instructed all the head of the departments to organize industrial visits and other industry institute interaction activities.