Action Taken Report

On taking the approval from the Governing body the College Academic committee has determined to follow the below mentioned action plan to improve in the suggested areas.

The feedback has been collected from stakeholders and prepared action plan. The possible Insights are implemented in accordance with JNTUH curriculum.

S.No. Stakeholder Feedback Action Taken
1 Students Students  requested to conduct Project Expo regularly The Principal has directed to respective Head of the departments to make the necessary arrangements to conduct Project Expo in each semester  The faculty is instructed to conduct class test after completion of every unit. They are also suggested to monitor the students’. Performance in every test and take needful measures.
Students requested to conduct slip tests every fort night to do well in Internal and External examinations
2 Teachers Faculty opinion is to increase the number of Internships and field trips To strengthen the practical knowledge of the students and expose themselves to Industry environment, the head of departments are instructed to conduct more number of Internships and field trips.
Faculty requested to include seminar hour in the Time-Table to enhance the preparation skills among the students Though the Interactive sessions are conducted as regular practice in the respective classrooms as per the request of the faculty, all the Head of the departments are instructed to include a Seminar hour in the department Time-Tables.
3 Alumni The Alumni requested to conduct alumni meets at least twice in a year In order to have more inter action of present students with the alumni, the alumni committee was informed to conduct their alumni meets twice in a year.Further they are invited to render their services in the form of Guest lectures.Invited talks, career counseling etc.
Alumni suggested to conduct few Internship programmes in summer vacation so that they can extend their services to the utmost. The Alumni Committee is instructed to maintain the student’s data base and conduct the summer Internships accordingly.
4 Parents Parents requested to provide special sessions on Interview skills. Principal directed the Training and Placement Committee to organize more number of mock Interview sessions by Industry professionals.  As per the current trends the head of the departments are instructed to come up with the proposals for the conduction of seminars, Guest lectures and invited talks.
5 Employers Students should be updated on current technologies