Language Lab

Communication skills are indispensable for the success of any professional student. The four skills of learning, speaking, reading and writing have to be practiced regularly for empowering communication skills. Thus, the language lab at JITS offers an inclusive result orientation and is effective to enrich the English language learning process.

            The language laboratory is equipped with audio-visual installation used in modern teaching methods to learn the foreign languages. The language lab provides a rich environment to learn and practice the language and a new outlook for the students to support themselves at the onset.

            The language laboratory consists of “COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING LAB (CALL)”, where the students are provided with a specialized software (WALDEN) to work with, a computer and a headset under the supervision of concerned faculty. This lab is intended to improve the pronunciation of the students and helps the students to understand the internationally standard pronunciation. And the next part is named as ”INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB (ICS)”, wherein the students follow the instructions of the faculty and participate in various individual and group activities which enable the students to communicate. The outcome of this lab is that, the students are motivated to speak in English by participating in various individual and group activities making Jyothishmathi Engg college Karimnagar a top college in Telangana.

Through language lab the students are made to participate in:

  1. JAM Session
  2. Group Discussion
  3. Debate
  4. Mock Interviews
  5. Role Plays
  6. Oral Presentation
  7. PPT Presentation
  8. Seminars

With the above activities the students are built with self confidence, improve their communication skills along with the ethical knowledge and churned into a well human being.

            The students are made to participate in JAM sessions. 8 JAM sessions were conducted for I and III year students in the odd semester and 10 JAM sessions were conducted in the even semester. Group discussions were organized for all the III and IV year students thrice in a semester on various topics, II and III year students were participated in the debate conducted in odd semester.

            Mock interviews were conducted for the IV year students to make them aware of the interview process and prepare them ready for interviews. Frequently asked questions were also discussed with the students to familiarise them with the process. The I year students have participated in the role plays. Oral presentations were conducted for I and III year students and the students got the opportunity to shed their fear and learn to give effective oral presentations. PPT presentations are made mandatory for every student and the same was presented by every student at the end of the semester. I year students are motivated to give seminars in the language lab on their selected topics.
