This is to inform all the faculty, students and staff that with reference to the Gazette of India, vide No: DL-(N) – 04/0007/2003-05 Dated March 23, 2013. Grievance redressal committee of our institute is being reconstituted with the following members to address the grievances posted by stake holders of the organization for the A.Y 2021-2022.
Sl. No.NameDept. & Design.RolePhone NumberEmail ID
2Dr.K.Rama Mohan ReddyProfessor & Director, UAAC, JNTUHMember
3Dr.Dhiraj SunehraECE-Professor, JNTUH CEJNominated by JNTU
4Dr.G.SridharEEE-Assoc ProfMember9490977220
5Dr.V.NeelimaCSE-Assoc ProfMember9948035353
6Mahesh Kumar Dasari ECE-Assoc
7Mrs.R.ChandanaME-Asst.Prof.Member 9154232023

Objectives :

Role & Responsibilities :

As per the Clause 5 of the above Regulation made by the AICTE, a registry has been established to record the grievances of students, their parents and others, headed by a staff member to receive the grievances of aggrieved students, parents and others and to submit their representations to the Committee for redressal of their grievance.

The detailed information regarding the constitution of Grievance Redressal Committee, of its members’ names, addresses etc., have been put on all Notice Boards for wide publicity. The kinds of grievances under AICTE (Establishment of Mechanism for Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012 have also been circulated among all students and also displayed on all Notice Boards.

All aggrieved students, their parents and others may henceforth approach to the Grievance Redressal Committee of the institution for the first instance.

In the case, the complainant not satisfied with the decision of the Committee, they may send their appeals to the “OMBUDSMAN” appointed by the Affiliating University. The OMBUDSMAN will fix a date for hearing the Complainant which shall be communicated to the Institute and the aggrieved person.

Dr. JAGANNATH JETTY, Professor of Geology (Retired) Osmania University, (E mail: is being nominated as the OMBUDSPERSON by the affiliating university. The detailed information is made available on the institutional website ( along with the Online Grievance filing provision.

The Institution shall comply with the order of the ombudsman. Any order of the OMBUDSMAN not complied with by the Institution, will be reported to AICTE for appropriate action.

In case of any false/frivolous Complaint, the ombudsman may order an appropriate action against Complainant.
