Overview of the Library

1Carpet area of Library759.09 sqm
2Reading space759.09 sqm
3Number of seats in reading space350
4Timings(working days) 8:00 AM To 8:00 PM
5Number of Library Staff05( Qualified staff-3 Supporting staff 2)
6Number of Library staff with a degree in Library Mgmt.03
7Computerization for search, indexing issue/return recordsYes OPAC Facility on NEWGENLIB
8Bar coding usedYes
9Library services on internet/intranetYes
10INDEST or other similar membership?Yes – DELNET on line digital library, e-ShodhSindhu, e-Shodhganga, JRC, NDL, NPTEL
11Archival of precious/rare/Heritage books/publicationAvailable
12NPTEL & Other Multimedia coursesYes, NPTEL 129 Subjects are provided in the library
13Print Journals152
14Back Volumes125
15CD ROMS1176
  1. Our Library is completely computerized and we are using NEWGEN software package
  2. Library resources are used to augment the teaching-learning process in following ways
  3. Open Access System is being followed in the Central Library and all the documents are in barcode
  4. In addition to the well-stocked Library, each department of JITS has its own departmental Library to facilitate easy access to the faculty, students and research scholars
  5. Maximum issue 04 Text books
  6. Conducting Library Orientation programs for freshers