Events conducted/organized by department of EEE in the Academic year 2019-20
S.No | Course Title | Program Date | Course Duration | Student Profile (Discipline) | Trainer Name/ Guest Name | Batch Size |
1 | Two Days National Workshop on Industrial Automation using PLC SCADA & DRIVES | 28.08.2019 & 29.08.2019 |
2 DAYS | IV B.Tech EEE | N.Srinivas Erun India | 100 |
2 | Industrial Visit-kaleshwaram project | 26.08.2019 | 1 DAY | IV B.Tech EEE | Viswaprakash babu Prof,EEE Dept | 74 |
3 | JITS- EEE IEI Student Chapter inauguration | 30.10.2019 | 1 DAY | II B.Tech EEE | Dr.M.Manikandan | 100 |
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Events conducted/organized by department of EEE in the Academic year 2018-19
S.No | Course Title | Program Date | Course Duration | Student Profile (Discipline) | Trainer Name/ Guest Name | Batch Size |
1 | Industrial Visit-220KV Substation, Durshed | 28-01-2019 | 1 DAY | III B.Tech EEE | S.Janarthan Asst Prof,EEE Dept | 41 |
2 | Industrial Visit- Transformer repair Center, NPDCL, Karimnagar | 29-01-2019 | 1 DAY | III B.Tech EEE | R.Babu Asst Prof,EEE Dept | 25 |
3 | Workshop | 30-01-2019 to 01-02-2019 | 3 DAYS | IV B.Tech EEE | N. Viswanath, Raviteja Tech Labs, Hyd | 58 |
4 | Guest lecture | 02-02-2019 | 1 DAY | III and IV B.Tech EEE | Dr. D.M Vinod kumar, NIT warangal | 150 |
5 | Guest lecture | 02-02-2019 | 1 DAY | III and IV B.Tech EEE | Dr. P. Sathishkumar , Osmania university | 150 |
6 | Solar Plant 190 KWP- Inauguration | 22-02-2019 | 1 DAY | I,II,III and IV B.Tech EEE | District Collector-Surfaraaz | 260 |
7 | Industrial Visit-Ramagundam B-Station | 06-03-2019 | 1 DAY | II B.Tech EEE | T.Shiva,Asst Prof,EEE Dept | 60 |
8 | Project Expo | 17-04-2019 | 1 DAY | IV B.Tech EEE | Dr. K. Venu gopal,KITS Huzarabad | 78 |
JITS EEE Dept organizes a Three-Day National Workshop on” MATLAB & PSIM Training for Power systems and Power Electronic Converters on 30th January to 01st Feb 2019

Workshop on” MATLAB & PSIM Training

Workshop on” MATLAB & PSIM Training
JITS EEE Dept organizes Guest lecture on 02-02-2019 for III,IV B.Tech EEE Students

Guest lecture

Guest lecture
Solar Power Plant 190KWP Inauguration on 22nd February 2019


Solar Power Plant 190KWP Inauguration
Project Expo on 17th April, 2019


Project Expo