Year/Sem. S.No. Subject Name SUB CODE COURSE OUT COMES
I YEAR – I SEM 1 Mathematics-I MA101BS CO1 Examine the System of Linear Equations to Analyze Basic Electrical Circuits
CO2 Find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors
CO3 Classify the Nature of Quadratic Form
CO4 find the extreme values of functions of two variables with/ without constraints
CO5 identify whether the given first order DE is exact or not
CO6 Apply the concept of higher differential equation to real  World problems
2 Mathematics-II MA102BS CO1 Apply Laplace transform technique for solutions of ODE’s
CO2 Evaluate integrals by Beta and Gamma functions
CO3 Apply multiple integral concepts to areas, volumes, moment of inertia etc of Regions
CO4 Evaluates Line, surface, volume integrals and converting them from one to another.
3 Engineering Physics PH103BS CO1 To realize importance of phenomena’s of light light like interference, diffraction & polarization
CO2 To learn means of production and applications of laser
CO3 To learn the principle behind working of optical fibers
CO4 To realize the structure of crystals   
CO5 To understand the defects in crystals
4 Computer Programming in C CS104ES CO1 To Compose algorithms and to draw flowcharts for solving problems.
CO2 To Develop code and test a given logic in C programming language
CO3 To Solve a problem into functions and to develop modular reusable code
CO4 To Value arrays, pointers, strings and structures to write C programs
CO5 Improve Searching and sorting problems
CO6 Ability to design, develop and analyze data structures.
5 Engineering Mechanics ME105ES CO1 Construct free body diagram and calculate the reactions necessary to ensure static equilibrium.
CO2 Study the effect of friction in static and dynamic conditions.
CO3 Understand the different surface properties, property of masses and material properties.
CO4 Analyze and solve different problems of kinematics and kinetics.
6 Engineering Graphics ME106ES CO1 Improve standards and conventions to exhibit proficiency while drawing lines printing letters and showing dimensions (Applications)
CO2 Classify the system of projection with respect to observer, object and the reference planes. (Comprehension)
CO3 Construct orthographic views of an object when its position with respect to the reference planes is  defined ( Synthnis)
CO4 Analyse the internal details of an object through sectional views. ( Analysis)
CO5 Develop 3D isometric view from the 2D orthographic views & Perspective views of objects ( Analysis)
7 Engineering Physics Lab PH107BS CO1 The student would be able to learn the fundamental concepts on electronic devices like L.C.R,R.C, L.E.D etc
CO2 The knowledge of fundamentals of optics enable the students to applying varies areas like   grating ,prism, Newton rings .
CO3 The course also helping the students to be exposed to the phenomeanas of       electromagnetism, photo voltaic effect in daily life.  
8 Computer Programming in C Lab CS108ES CO1 Apply the concept of random variable, Probability Distribution to some case studies
CO2 Analyze Statistical methods for estimation data.
CO3 Formulate the stochastic related problems in Markov process
I YEAR – II SEM 1 Applied Physics AP201BS CO1 Realize the importance of elastic behavior of materials. 
CO2 To learn sabine’s formula for reverberation time and apply in architecture of buildings
CO3 To learn various methods of producing ultrasonics and their uses
CO4 To learn dielectric, magnetic  and superconducting properties of materials & their applications
2 Engineering Chemistry CH202BS CO1 To attain the basic knowledge of electrochemical procedures related to corrosion and its control
CO2 To understand the basic properties of water and its usage in domestic and industrial purposes
CO3 To learn the fundamental principles and general properties of organic and inorganic materials
CO4 To interpret the potential application of chemistry and its practical utility.
3 Mathematics-III MA203BS CO1 Calculate mean, proportions and variances of sampling distributions and to make  important decisions s for few samples which are taken from a large data
CO2 Solve the tests of ANOVA for classified data
CO3 Find the root of a given equation and solution of a system of equations
CO4 Fit a second order parabola, straight line curve for a given data
CO5 Analyze the numerical solutions for a given first order initial value problem
4 Professional Communication in English EN204HS CO1 Simplify Understanding of nuances of Language through audio-visual experience and group activities
CO2 To choose the Neutralization of accent for intelligibility
CO3 Explain to Speaking with clarity and confidence thereby enhancing employability skills of the students 
5 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering EE205ES CO1  Graduates/Student  will learn the applications of electrical circuits,components & basic fundamental principles
CO2 Make up Graduates/Student  will demonstrate an ability to apply knowledge of transformers  in the energy conversion process and its tests,efficiency and regulation calculations   
CO3 Analyze the Graduates/Student  will learn the knowledge about dc generators,dc motors construction operation characteristics and measuring instruments like moving coil and moving iron type of voltmeters and ammeters 
CO4 Justify Graduates/Student  will gain the knowledge of different semiconductor devices, their V-I characteristics, operation of diodes, transistors, realization of various electronic circuits with the various semiconductor devices, and cathode ray oscilloscope
6 Engineering Chemistry Lab CH206BS CO1 Able to understand the experiment and do the experiment in proper way.
CO2 Able to findout the endpoint of titrations
7 English Language Communication Skills Lab EN207HS CO1 Simplify Understanding of nuances of Language through audio-visual experience and group activities
CO2 To choose the Neutralization of accent for intelligibility
CO3 Explain to Speaking with clarity and confidence thereby enhancing employability skills of the students 
8 Engineering Workshop ME208ES CO1 Build the knowledge for computer assembling and software installation.
CO2 Justify how to solve the trouble shooting problems
CO3 To modify the tools for preparation of PPT, Documentation and budget sheet etc
CO4 Categorize to Study and usuage of machine tools and their operations
CO5 Improve the practice on manufacturing of components using different workshop trades includes plumbing, fitting, carpentry, foundry, house wiring and welding
CO6 Analyze basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice
1 Mathematics – IV MA301BS CO1  Analyze the complex functions with reference to their analyticity, integration using Cauchy’s  Integral theorem
CO2  Find the Taylor’s and Laurent’s series expansion of complex function
CO3   Analyze Bilinear Transformation
CO4  Express any periodic function in term of sines and cosines
CO5  Express a non-periodic function as integral representation
CO6  Analyze one dimensional wave and heat equation
2 Strength of Materials – I CE302ES CO1 Analyze the statically determinate and indeterminate problems.
CO2 Determine the stresses and strains in the members subjected to axial, bending.
CO3 Evaluate the slope and deflection of beams subjected to loads.
CO4 Determine the principal stresses and strains in structural members.
3 Fluid Mechanics – I CE303ES CO1 Apply conservation laws to derive governing equations of fluid flows.
CO2 Compute hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces.
CO3 Analyze and design simple pipe systems.
CO4 Apply principles of dimensional analysis to design experiments.
CO5  Compute drag and lift coefficients.
5 Building Material, Construction and Planning CE304ES CO1 Understand the types, properties of stones, manufacturing process of bricks and types of bricks.
CO2 Describe the different types of cements, admixtures, manufacuturing process, properties of cement, ingredients of cement concrete and tests conducted on cemcnt.
CO3 Identify the components and service of building and differentiate types of materials depending on its function.
CO4 Describe the properties of lime and cement mortars and diffferent types of bond and mansonry used in buildings. 
CO5 Explain principles of building planning, building by laws, classification of buildings. 
5 Surveying CE305ES CO1 Choose the concepts of surveying
CO2 Appraise compass and theodolite surveying
CO3 Maximize the concepts traversing and levelling
CO4 Discuss the trigonometric principles in surveying and plot contour maps
CO5 Elaborate the concepts of tacheometry
6 Strength of Material Lab CE306ES CO1 Conduct tension test on Materials like steel etc.
CO2 Conduct compression tests on spring, wood and concrete
CO3 Conduct flexural and torsion test to determine elastic constants
CO4  Determine hardness of metals
7 Computer Aided Design – I Lab CE307ES CO1 Master the usage of Autocad commands for drawing 2D & 3D building drawings required
for different civil engg applications.
8 Surveying lab – I CE308ES CO1 Opinion the principle of surveying for civil Engineering Applications
CO2 Explain to prepare a topographical map which shows the hills, valleys, rivers, villages, towns, forests, etc. of a country.
CO3 Prioritize measure of land and the fixation of its boundaries
CO4 To determine the distance and angle between different objects.
9 Gender Sensitization Lab *MC300HS CO1 Students will have developed a better understanding of important issues related to gender in contemporary India.
CO2 Students will be sensitized to basic dimensions of the biological, sociological,psychological and legal aspects of gender. This will be achieved through discussion of materials derived from research, facts, everyday life, literature and film.
CO3 Students will attain a finer grasp of how gender discrimination works in our society and how to counter it.
1 Strength of material-II CE401ES CO1 Determine stresses in the member subjected to Torsion
CO2 Analyze columns and struts
CO3 Understand the concept of direct and bending stresses
CO4 Analyze and design springs, thin and thick cylinders
CO5 Understand the concept of unsymmetrical bending.
2 Fluid Mechanics – II CE402ES CO1 Understand the concepts of channel flows
CO2 Compute flow profiles in channel transitions and analyze hydraulic transients
CO3 Design the working proportions of hydraulic machines
3 Structural Analysis I CE403ES CO1 Analyse the statically indeterminate bars and continuous beams 
CO2 Draw strength behaviour of members for static and dynamic loading
CO3 Calculate the stiffness parameters in beams and pin joint trusses 
CO4 Under stand the indterminancy aspects to consider for  a total structural system 
CO5 Identify , formulate, and solve engineering problems with real time loading
4 Engineering Geology CV404ES CO1 Know the importance of geology in civil engineering.
CO2 Understand the effects of weathering on dams, reservoirs and tunnels
CO3 Understand the geological classification of rocks into Igneous, Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, their identification based on structure and texture
CO4 Understand the importance of various associated geological structures like folds, faults, joints and unconformities present at site for foundations.
5 Business Economic And Financial Analysis SM405MS CO1 The students will understand the various Forms of Business and the impact of economic variables on the Business.
CO2  The Demand, Supply, Production, Cost,Market Structure, Pricing aspects are learnt.
CO3  The Students can study the firm’s financial position by analysing the Financial Statements of a Company.
6 Fluid Mechanics Lab CE406ES CO1 Determine coefficient of discharge for orifice and mouthpiece.
CO2 Calibrate notches venturimeter orifice meters
CO3 Determine miner losses in pipes
7 Surveying lab – II  CE408ES CO1 Determine of area using total station
CO2 Traversing using total station
CO3 Contouring using total station
CO4 Determination of remote height using total station
CO5 Stake out using total station
8 Engineering Geology Lab CV407ES CO1 Know the importance of geology in civil engineering.
CO2 Understand the effects of weathering on dams, reservoirs and tunnels
CO3 Understand the geological classification of rocks into Igneous, Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, their identification based on structure and texture
CO4 Understand the importance of various associated geological structures like folds, faults, joints and unconformities present at site for foundations.
9 Environmental Science and Technology MC400ES CO1 To understand the concept of Ecosystem,Ecology and Biodiversity
CO2 To understand the importance of ecological balance, conserving use of natural resources for sustainable development
CO3 To understand the impacts of developmental activities on Biodiversity and mitigation measures
CO4 To identify the sources of various pollutions and preventive measures
CO5 To understand the environmental policies and regulations
1 Concrete Technology CE501PC CO1 Explain the properties of the constituent materials of concrete.
CO2 Describe the physical & mechanical properties of aggregates.
CO3 Explain factors affecting strength of concrete
CO4 Understand the factors influencing concrete mix & know the BIS method of mix design.
2 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures CE502PC CO1 Understand the general mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete in accordance with IS456:2000.
CO2 Identify and apply the applicable industry design codes relevant to the design of reinforced concrete members.
CO3 Assess the stresses and design vertical and horizontal shear reinforcements in reinforced concrete members with detailing.
CO4 Understand and design reinforced concrete compression members or columns.
CO5 Analyze and design footings and understand the need for development length of reinforcement
3 Water Resources Engineering CE503PC CO1  Compute precipitation, infiltration and evaporation.
CO2 Understand hydrograph analysis, unit hydrograph analysis.
CO3  Understand Groundwater occurrence, distribution, computation.
CO4  Calculate Duty and Delta, Irrigation efficiencies
4 Fundamental Of Management SM504MS CO1 The students understand the significance of Management in their  Profession. 
CO2 The various Management Functions like Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, Motivation and Control aspects are learnt in this course. 
CO3 The students can explore the Management Practices in their domain area.
5 Data Based Management System  CS512OE CO1 Demonstrate the basic elements of a relational database management system. 
CO2   Ability to design entity relationship model and convert entity relationship diagrams into RDBMS and formulate SQL queries on the data.
CO3 Ability to identify the data models for relevant problems.
CO4 Apply normalization for the development of application software.
6 Concrete Technology Lab CE505PC CO1 identify the functional role of ingredients of concrete and apply this knowledge to mix design philosophy 
CO2 acquire and apply fundamental knowledge in the fresh and hardened properties of concrete
CO3 evaluate the effect of the environment on service life performance, properties and failure modes of structural concrete and demonstrate techniques of measuring the Non Destructive Testing of concrete structure 
CO4 develop an awareness of the utilisation of waste materials as novel innovative materials for use in concrete 
CO5 design a concrete mix which fulfills the required properties for fresh and hardened concrete 
7 Geographical Information System Lab CE506PC CO1 At the end of the course, the student is exposed to spatial technologies, mapping the field problems and solution convergence through GIS.
8 Hydraulics And Hydraulic Machinery Lab CE507PC CO1 Compute drag coefficients
CO2 Test the performance of pumps and turbines
CO3 Determine Manning’s and Chezy’s coefficients for smooth and rough channels
CO4 Determine Energy loss in Hydraulic jump and Calibrate standing wave flume
  9 Professional Ethics *MC500HS CO1 The students will understand the importance of Values and Ethics in their personal lives and professional careers.
CO2 The students will learn the rights and responsibilities as an employee, team member and a global citizen.
III YEAR II SEM 1 Design of Steel Structures CE601PC CO1 Design tension and compression members
CO2 Design beams and beam columns
CO3 Design bolt and weld connections
CO4 Design built up members and Column base
CO5 Design of plate girders and Roof Trusses
2 Environmental Engineering CE602PC CO1 Analyze characteristics of water and wastewater
CO2 Estimate the quantity of drinking water and domestic wastewater generated
CO3 Design components of water supply systems Design sewerage system
3 Soil Mechanics CE603PC CO1 Understand the mechanism Behaviour of Soil for different loads
CO2 Soil Condition will be able to determine properties of soil
4 Environmental Impact Assessment CN621OE CO1 Explain the major principles of environmental impact assessment in Australia
CO2 Understand the different steps within environmental impact assessment
CO3 Discuss the implications of current jurisdictional and institutional arrangements in relation to environmental impact assessment
CO4 Communicate both orally and in written form the key aspects of environmental impact assessment
CO5 Understand how to liaise with and the importance of stakeholders in the EIA process
5 Air Pollution and Control. CE611PE CO1 Identify sampling and analysis techniques for air quality assessment
CO2 Describe the plume behavior for atmospheric stability conditions
CO3 Able to control air pollution by properties various techniques to control
6 Soil Mechanics Lab CE604PC CO1 At the end of the course, the student will be able to Classify and evaluate the behavior of the soils subjected to various loads.
7 Computer Aided Drafting – II Lab CE605PC CO1 Detailing of reinforcement in Cantilever, Simply supported and Continuous Beams (Both Singly & Doubly Reinforced Beams)
CO2 Detailing of reinforcement in canopy & columns (both uniaxial & biaxial)
CO3 Detailing of reinforcement in RC isolated footings square, rectangular, circular and combined footings.
CO4 Detailing of reinforcement in RC one-way, two-way slabs and dog-legged staircases.
CO1  Drawing of Steel bolted and welded connections.
CO2 Drawing of steel compression and tension members.
CO3 Drafting of steel beams-built-up sections.
8 Advanced English Communication Skills Lab EN606HS CO1 Simplify Understanding of nuances of Language through audio-visual experience and group activities
CO2 To choose the Neutralization of accent for intelligibility
CO3 Explain to Speaking with clarity and confidence thereby enhancing employability skills of the students 
IV YEAR I SEM 1 Transportation engineering  CE701PC CO1 Understand Plan highway networks
CO2 Design Intersections and prepare traffic management plans. 
CO3 Design flexible and rigid pavements.
CO4 Design highway geometrics.
2 Estimation quantity surveying and valuation  CE702PC CO1 Will have a basic knowledge on methods and types of estimation and its merits and        demerits
CO2 Have knowledge on specifications and tendering process for contracts
CO3 Will have the ability to understand the types, formation, terms and conditions in contracts and  arbitration
CO4 will have the knowledge of rate analysis of different item of work and MB and bill of quantities 
CO5 Will able to value a property, price escalation recommendations and auditing
3 Rehabiltation and Retrofitting of Structures  CE724PE CO1 Recognize the mechanisms of degradation of concrete structures
CO2 Examine the damages occurred in reinforced concrete structure and knowing the redmedies for damages
CO3 Apply Non Destructive Testing techniques to field problems
CO4 Suggest methods and teqniques used in repairing/ strengthening existing concrete structures
CO5 Analyze the use of sensors for monitoring of structures and detention of damage
4 Watershed Management CE731PE CO1 Understand the concepts of watershed management and its effect on land, water and ecosystem resources
CO2 Analyze public policies and practices of watershed planning
CO3 Assess the impact of watershed planning through case studies
CO4 Develop control and mitigation techniques for watershed problems
5 Traffic Engineering CE741PE CO1 Understand Plan highway networks
CO2 Design highway geometrics.
CO3 Design Intersections and prepare traffic management plans.
CO4 Design flexible and rigid pavements.
6 Transportation engineering Lab CE703PC CO1 Identify engineering properties of aggregate
CO2 Indentify the grade & properties of bitumen.
CO3 Find out peak hour traffic & peak time for a given location on the road.
CO4 Calculate design speed, maximum speed & minimum speed limits of a location through spot speed.
CO5 Draw parking accumulation curve and find out parking duration & turnover of parking lot/stretch.
7 Environmental  engineering Lab CE704PC CO1 At the end of the course student will able to discuss about importance of water and its quality analysis
CO2 Analyse various physico-chemical and biological parameters of water in case of quality requirements.
CO3 At the end of the course student will be able to assess complete water quality assessment for EIA and domestic supplies.
CO4 At the end of the course student will suggest various types of treatment methods required to purify raw water with different contaminants.
8 Industry Oriented Mini Project CE705PC CO1 Generate a report based on the experiences and projects carried out with the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals
CO2 Compare to Demonstrate competancy in relavant engineering fields through problems identification, formulation and solution
CO3 Develop the ability to work as an individual and in group with capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member
CO4 Explain the professional and ehical responsibilties of an engineer
9 Seminar CE706PC CO1 To understand advanced skills of Technical Communication in English
CO2 To Motive listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in societal and professional life.
CO3 To develop the skills necessary to be a competent Interpersonal communicator.
  Analyze communication behaviors.
CO4 Adapt to multifarious socio-economical and professional arenas with the help of effective communication and interpersonal skills.
IV YEAR II SEM 1 Remote sensing and GIS CN831OE CO1 Retrieve the information content of remotely sensed data 
CO2  Analyze the energy interactions in the atmosphere and earth surface features
CO3  Interpret the images for preparation of thematic maps
CO4  Apply problem specific remote sensing data for engineering applications
CO5 Analyze spatial and attribute data for solving spatial problems
CO6 Create GIS and cartographic outputs for presentation
2 Pavement Design CE852PE CO1 Characterize the response characteristics of soil, aggregate, asphalt, and asphalt mixes
CO2 Analyze flexible pavements
CO3  Analyze rigid pavements 
CO4 Design a flexible pavement using IRC, Asphalt Institute, and AASHTO methods 
CO5 Design a rigid pavement using IRC, and AASHTO methods
3 Industrial Waste Water Treatment CE864PE CO1 Identify environmental standards that apply to both direct and indirect industrial discharge
CO2 develop an overall treatment strategy for an industrial waste stream
CO3 specify design criteria for physical,chemical,and biological unit operatios amd process necessary to treat and industrial wastewater
CO4 estimate capital and operating costs for industrial waste treatment system
CO5 design and reason about fundamental concepts of waste water treatment
4 Major Project CE801PC CO1 Work in a team and effectively communicate with team members
CO2 Review and evaluate the literature available related to chosen problem
CO3 Formulate new expressions, equations to solve that selected problem to enhance problem solving skill
CO4 Validate theoretical and reported data with results obtained from numerical/ experimental/ analytical study Identify scope of future studies


Year/Sem. S.No. Subject Name SUB CODE COURSE OUT COMES
I YEAR – I SEM 1 Mathematics – I MA101BS CO1  Examine the System of Linear Equations to Analyze Basic Electrical Circuits.
CO2  Find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors
CO3  Classify the Nature of Quadratic Form.
CO4  Indentify the Characteristic of Sequence and Series.
CO5  Write the behavior of Slope the Curves using Mean Value Theorems.
CO6  Categorize the nature of Stationary points of a function. 
2 Engineering Physics PH102BS CO1 The student would be able to learn the fundamental concepts on electronic devices like L.C.R,R.C, L.E.D etc
CO2 The knowledge of fundamentals of   electric nature enable the students to applying varies areas like   Hall effect , photo electric effect .
CO3 The course also helping the students to be exposed to the phenomeanas of electromagnetism, photo voltaic effect in daily life.  
3 Programming for Problem Solving CS103ES CO1 To Compose algorithms and to draw flowcharts for solving problems.
CO2 To Develop code and test a given logic in C programming language
CO3 To Solve a problem into functions and to develop modular reusable code
CO4  To Value arrays, pointers, strings and structures to write C programs
CO5 Improve Searching and sorting problems
CO6 Ability to design, develop and analyze data structures.
4 Engineering Graphics ME104ES CO1 Improve standards and conventions to exhibit proficiency while drawing lines printing letters and showing dimensions (Applications)
CO2 Classify the system of projection with respect to observer, object and the reference planes. (Comprehension)
CO3 Construct orthographic views of an object when its position with respect to the reference planes is  defined
( Synthnis)
CO4  Analyse the internal details of an object through sectional views.
( Analysis)
CO5 Develop 3D isometric view from the 2D orthographic views & Perspective views of objects ( Analysis)
5 Engineering Physics Lab PH105BS CO1 The student would be able to learn the fundamental concepts on electronic devices like L.C.R,R.C, L.E.D etc
CO2 The knowledge of fundamentals of optics enable the students to applying varies areas like   grating ,prism, Newton rings .
CO3 The course also helping the students to be exposed to the phenomeanas of       electromagnetism, photo voltaic effect in daily life.  
6 Programming for Problem Solving Lab CS106ES CO1 Apply the concept of random variable, Probability Distribution to some case studies
CO2  Analyze Statistical methods for estimation data.
CO3  Formulate the stochastic related problems in Markov process
7 Environmental Science *MC109ES CO1 To understand the concept of Ecosystem,Ecology and Biodiversity
CO2 To understand the importance of ecological balance,conserving use of natural resources for sustainable development
CO3 To understand the impacts of developmental activities on Biodiversity and mitigation measures
CO4 To identify the sources of various pollutions and preventive measures
CO5 To understand the environmental policies and regulations
I YEAR – II SEM 1 Mathematics – II MA201BS CO1  Identify whether the given differential equation of first order is exact or not.
CO2 Apply the concept of higher differential equation to real  World problems
CO3 Apply multiple integrals concept in rectangular solid.
CO4  Use vectors calculus in line, surface and volume integrals and converting them from one  to Another.
2 Chemistry CH202BS CO1 To attain the basic knowledge of electrochemical procedures related to corrosion and its control
CO2 To understand the basic properties of water and its usage in domestic and industrial purposes
CO3 To learn the fundamental principles and general properties of organic and inorganic materials
CO4  To interpret the potential application of chemistry and its practical utility.
3 Engineering Mechanics ME203ES CO1 Construct free body diagram and calculate the reactions necessary to ensure static equilibrium.
CO2 Study the effect of friction in static and dynamic conditions.
CO3 Understand the different surface properties, property of masses and material properties.
CO4  Analyze and solve different problems of kinematics and kinetics.
4 Engineering Workshop ME205ES CO1 Build the knowledge for computer assembling and software installation.
CO2 Justify how to solve the trouble shooting problems
CO3 To modify the tools for preparation of PPT, Documentation and budget sheet etc
CO4  Categorize to Study and usuage of machine tools and their operations
CO5 Improve the practice on manufacturing of components using different workshop trades includes plumbing, fitting, carpentry, foundry, house wiring and welding
CO6 Analyze basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice
5 English EN205HS CO1 Develop of English language, written and spoken
CO2 Assess of comprehension and fluency
CO3 Constructing confidence in using language in verbal situations
6 Engineering Chemistry Lab CH206BS CO1 Able to understand the experiment and do the experiment in proper way.
CO2 Able to findout the endpoint of titrations
7 English Language and Communication Skills Lab EN207HS CO1 Simplify Understanding of nuances of Language through audio-visual experience and group activities
CO2 To choose the Neutralization of accent for intelligibility
CO3 Explain to Speaking with clarity and confidence thereby enhancing employability skills of the students 
II YEAR – I SEM 1 Surveying and Geomatics CE301PC CO1 Choose the concepts of surveying
CO2 Appraise compass and theodolite surveying
CO3 Maximize the concepts traversing and levelling
CO4 Discuss the trigonometric principles in surveying and plot contour maps
CO5 Elaborate the concepts of tacheometry
2 Engineering Geology CE302PC CO1 Site characterization and how to collect, analyze, and report Geologic data using standards in engineering practice.
CO2 The fundamentals of the engineering properties of Earth materials and fluids.
CO3 Rock mass characterization and the mechanics of planar rock slides and topples.
3 Strength of Materials – I CE303PC CO1 Describe the concepts and principles, understand the theory of elasticity including strain/displacement and Hooke’s law relationships; and perform calculations, related to the strength of structured and mechanical components.
CO2 Recognize various types loads applied on structural components of simple framing geometries and understand the nature of internal stresses that will develop within the components.
CO3 To evaluate the strains and deformation that will result due to the elastic stresses developed within the materials for simple types of loading
CO4 Analyze various situations involving structural members subjected to plane stresses by application of Mohr’s circle of stress.
CO5 Frame an idea to design a system, component, or process
4 Probability and Statistics MA304BS CO1 Formulate and interpret problems involving random variables 
CO2  Demonstrate Statistical methods for analyzing experimental data.
CO3 Compose and Construct the data for applied Statistics.
5 Fluid Mechanics CE305PC CO1 Understand the broad principles of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics
CO2 Understand definitions of the basic terms used in fluid mechanics and characteristics of fluidsand its flow
CO3 Understand classifications of fluid flow
CO4 Be able to apply the continuity, momentum and energy principles
6 Surveying Lab CE306PC CO1 Apply the principle of surveying for civil Engineering Applications
CO2 Calculation of areas, Drawing plans and contour maps using different measuring equipment at field level
CO3 Write a technical laboratory report
7 Strength of Materials Lab CE307PC CO1 Configure & Operate a data acquisition system using various testing machines of solid materials
CO2 Compute and Analyze engineering values (e.g. stress or strain) from laboratory measurements.
CO3 Write a technical laboratory report
8 Engineering Geology Lab CE308PC CO1 Understands the method and ways of investigations required for Civil Engg projects
CO2 Identify the various rocks, minerals depending on geological classifications
CO3 Will able to learn to couple geologic expertise with the engineering properties of rock and unconsolidated materials in the characterization of geologic sites for civil work projects and the quantification of processes such as rock slides and settlement.
CO4 Write a technical laboratory report
II YEAR – II SEM 1 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE401ES CO1 To analyze and solve electrical circuits using network laws and theorems.
CO2 To understand and analyze basic Electric and Magnetic circuits
CO3 To study the working principles of Electrical Machines
CO4 To introduce components of Low Voltage Electrical Installations
CO5 To identify and characterize diodes and various types of transistors.
2 Basic Mechanical Engineering for Civil Engineers CE402ES CO1 Design Cams and followers, riveted joints, gears and chain drives
CO2 Differentiate various engineering materials such as metals, ceramics and composites
CO3 Handle the material using belt conveyors, cranes, industrial trucks, bull dozers
CO4 Apply basic principles and laws from the subjects of Heat transfer, Refrigeration, Internal & external combustion engines
CO5 Perform various manufacturing processes such as welding, casting, drilling, milling and grinding machines
3 Building Materials, Construction and Planning CE403PC CO1 Understand the types, properties of stones, manufacturing process of bricks and types of bricks.
CO2 Describe the different types of cements, admixtures, manufacuturing process, properties of cement, ingredients of cement concrete and tests conducted on cemcnt.
CO3 Identify the components and service of building and differentiate types of materials depending on its function.
CO4 Describe the properties of lime and cement mortars and diffferent types of bond and mansonry used in buildings. 
CO5 Explain principles of building planning, building by laws, classification of buildings. 
4 Strength of Materials – II CE404PC CO1 Describe the concepts and principles, understand the theory of elasticity, and perform calculations, relative to the strength of structures and mechanical components in particular to torsion and direct compression
CO2 To evaluate the strains and deformation that will result due to the elastic stresses developed within the materials for simple types of loading
CO3 Analyze strength and stability of structural members subjected to Direct, and Direct and Bending stresses
CO4 Understand and evaluate the shear center and unsymmetrical bending.
CO5 Frame an idea to design a system, component, or process
5 Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery CE405PC CO1 Describe the concept of different types of flows, designing of most economical sections of the Open Channel and to understand the concept of specific energy
CO2 Analyze the non-uniform flow problems and hydraulic jump phenomenon in open channel flows
CO3 Describe the concept of dimensional quantities and application of similitude concept in designing model and prototype
CO4 Understand the concept, working applications of impact of jets with the importance of constructing velocity triangles.
CO5 Identify the different hydraulic machines with their working principles
6 Structural Analysis – I CE406PC CO1 Analyse the statically indeterminate bars and continuous beams 
CO2 Elaborate strength behaviour of members for static and dynamic loading
CO3 Justify the stiffness parameters in beams and pin joint trusses 
CO4 Image to Under stand the indterminancy aspects to consider for  a total structural system 
CO5 Propose to identify , formulate, and solve engineering problems with real time loading
7 Computer aided Civil Engineering Drawing CE407PC CO1 Use the Autocad commands for drawing 2D & 3D building drawings required for different civil engg applications
CO2 Plan and draw Civil Engineering Buildings as per aspect and orientation
CO3 Presenting drawings as per user requirements and preparation of technical report
8 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab EE409ES CO1 To analyze and solve electrical circuits using network laws and theorems.
CO2 To understand and analyze basic Electric and Magnetic circuits
CO3 To study the working principles of Electrical Machines
CO4 To introduce components of Low Voltage Electrical Installations
CO5 To identify and characterize diodes and various types of transistors.
9 Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery Lab CE409PC CO1 Describe the basic measurement techniques of fluid mechanics and its appropriate application.
CO2 Interpret the results obtained in the laboratory for various experiments.
CO3 Discover the practical working of Hydraulic machines- different types of Turbines, Pumps, and other miscellaneous hydraulics machines.
CO4 Compare the results of analytical models introduced in lecture to the actual behavior of real fluid flows and draw correct and sustainable conclusions.
10 Gender Sensitization Lab *MC409 CO1 Students will have developed a better understanding of important issues related to gender in contemporary India.
CO2 Students will attain a finer grasp of how gender discrimination works in our society and how to counter it.
CO3 Students will acquire insight into the gendered division of labour and its relation to politics and economics.
CO4 Men and women students and professionals will be better equipped to work and live together as equals.
III YEAR – I SEM 1 Structural Analysis-II CE501PC CO1 Analyze the two hinged arches.
CO2 Solve statically indeterminate beams and portal frames using classical methods
CO3 Sketch the shear force and bending moment diagrams for indeterminate structures.
CO4 Formulate the stiffness matrix and analyze the beams by matrix methods
2 Geotechnical Engineering  CE502PC CO1 Characterize and classify the soils
CO2 Able to estimate seepage, stresses under various loading conditions and compaction characteristics
CO3 Able to analyse the compressibility of the soils
CO4 Able to understand the strength of soils under various drainage conditions
3 Structural Engineering –I (RCC) CE503PC  CO1 Design of singly reinforced, doubly reinforced, flanged sections, Shear, Bond, Torsion, Anchorage and Development length of reinforcement.
CO2 Distinguish and Design the one-way, two-way slabs and Staircase.
CO3 Design the axially, uniaxial and biaxial loaded bending columns.
CO4 Classify the footings and Design the isolated square, rectangular and circular footings
4 Transportation Engineering  CE504PC  CO1 Discuss the classification of roads and highway development plans
CO2 Design various geometric elements like curves,gradients,superelevation etc
CO3 Understand basics principles of Traffic Engineering
CO4 Design the At-grade and rotary intersections
CO5 Design flexible and rigid pavement by CBR method as per IRC
5 Professional Elective-I (CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY) CE511PE CO1 Determine the properties of concrete ingredients i.e. cement, sand, coarse aggregate by conducting different tests. Recognize the effects of the rheology and early age properties of concrete on its long-term behavior.
CO2 Apply the use of various chemical admixtures and mineral additives to design cement-based materials with tailor-made properties
CO3 Use advanced laboratory techniques to characterize cement-based materials
CO4 Perform mix design and engineering properties of special concretes such as high-performance concrete, self-compacting concrete, and fibre reinforced concrete
6 Engineering Economics and Accountancy CE507PC  CO1 Understand the various forms of business and the impact of economic variables on the Business.
CO2 Understand the  macro economics concepts of  national income and  inflation
CO3 Apply the concepts of  Capital budgeting techniques and evaluate present and future worth of the alternate projects and to appraise projects by using traditional and DCF Methods. 
CO4 Ascertain Concept of Leverage- Types of Leverages: Operating Leverage- Financial Leverage and Composite Leverage. (Simple Problems)
CO5 Ascertain financial performance and financial position of an organization
7 Highway Engineering and Concrete Technology Lab CE506PC  CO1 Categorize the test on materials used Civil Engineering Building & Pavement constructions
CO2 To perform the tests on concrete for it characterization.
CO3 To Design Concrete Mix Proportioning by Using Indian Standard Method
CO4 Examine the tests performed for Bitumen mixes
8 Geotechnical Engineering Lab  CE507PC  CO1 At the end of the course, the student will be able to Classify and evaluate the behavior of the soils subjected to various loads.
9 Advanced Communication Skills Lab  EN508HS  CO1 Simplify Understanding of nuances of Language through audio-visual experience and group activities
CO2 To choose the Neutralization of accent for intelligibility
CO3 Explain to Speaking with clarity and confidence thereby enhancing employability skills of the students 
10 Intellectual Property Rights  *MC509  CO1 Students will be able to understand the different areas of Intellectual property rights.
CO2 Students will be able to compare the different forms of intellectual property protection in terms of their key differences and similarities.
CO3 Students will be able to assess  the intellectual property protection.
CO4 Students will be able to analyze the effects of intellectual property rights on businessand society as a  whole. 
CO5  Students will be able to understand the new developments in the areas of intellectual property rights
11 CYBER SECURITY   CO1 To familiarize various types of cyber-attacks and cyber-crimes
CO2 To give an overview of the cyber laws
CO3 To study the defensive techniques against these attacks
III YEAR – II SEM 1 HYDROLOGY & WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING CE601PC CO1 Understand the different concepts and terms used in engineering hydrology
CO2 To identify and explain various formulae used in estimation of surface and Ground water hydrology components
CO3 Demonstrate their knowledge to connect hydrology to the field requirement
CO4 Identify different types of canal system
2 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CE602PC CO1 Assess characteristics of water, quality testing  & Estimate quantities of water 
CO2 Design components of water treatment plants and Design of distribution systems
CO3 Assess characteristics of Wastewater, Estimate quantities of Wastewater and plan conveyance components
CO4 Design components of Wastewater treatment plants
CO5 Be conversant with issues of air pollution and control
3 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING CE603PC CO1 Understand the principles and methods of Geotechnical Exploration
CO2 Decide the suitability of soils and check the stability of slopes
CO3 Calculate lateral earth pressures and check the stability of retaining walls
CO4 Analyze and design the shallow and deep foundations
4 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING-II (STEEL) CE604PC CO1 Analyze the tension members, compression members.
CO2 Design the tension members, compression members and column bases and joints and connections
CO3 Analyze and Design the beams including built-up sections and beam and connections.
CO4 Identify and Design the various components of welded plate girder including stiffeners
CO5 analyze and Design the component parts of roof trusses
5 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CE611PE CO1 To understand the evolution of process of prestressing.
CO2 To Acquire the knowledge of various prestressing techniques.
CO3 To Develop skills in analysis design of prestressed structural elements as per the IS codal provisions.
6 OPEN ELECTIVE – I FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT FOR ENGINEERS   CO1 To demonstrate basic functional areas and approaches to Management.
CO2 To understand and analyse the strategic planning, decision making and Problem solving skills
CO3 To understand organisational principles, frame work and various functional areas of HRM
CO4 Apply Leadership and motivational concepts
CO5 Students should be able to institute effective control system.
7 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE *MC609 CO1 To understand the concept of Ecosystem,Ecology and Biodiversity
CO2 To understand the importance of ecological balance,conserving use of natural resources for sustainable development
CO3 To understand the impacts of developmental activities on Biodiversity and mitigation measures
CO4 To identify the sources of various pollutions and preventive measures
CO5 To understand the environmental policies and regulations
8 Environmental Engineering Lab CE605PC CO1 At the end of the course student will able to discuss about importance of water and its quality analysis
CO2 Analyse various physico-chemical and biological parameters of water in case of quality requirements.
CO3 At the end of the course student will be able to assess complete water quality assessment for EIA and domestic supplies.
CO4 At the end of the course student will suggest various types of treatment methods required to purify raw water with different contaminants.
9 Computer Aided Design Lab CE606PC CO1 Master the usage of Autocad commands for drawing 2D & 3D building drawings required
for different civil engg applications.
IV-I 1 REMOTE SENSING & GIS CE711PE CO1  Understand different concepts and terms used in Remote Sensing and its data
CO2 Understand data conversion and Process in different coordinate systems of GIS
CO3  Understand the system of database management and data structures
CO4  Evaluating the process of accuracy data and implementing GIS
CO5  Understand the applicability of RS&GIS for various applications.
2 IRRIGATION AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE CE721PE CO1 Analyze the Types of water retaining structures and its key parameters considered for planning and designing
CO2 Understand the details in any irrigation system and its components
CO3 Evaluate the concept of creep theories on permeable Foundations
CO4 Design of a irrigation system components & its types
3 Estimation, Costing and Project Management CE701PC CO1 Understand the principles of working out quantities for estimate of buildings
CO2 Evaluate the estimates for roads and canals
CO3 Analyze the rates for various items of work
CO4 Understand the concepts of contracts and valuation 
CO5 Understand the construction project planning
4 HEALTH & SAFETY IN MINES MN700OE CO1  Understanding the concept of accidents, prevention, health and safety in industry.
CO2 Remembering preventive measures of accidents in underground and opencast mines
CO3 Remembering techniques used in safety analysis
CO4 Understanding risk management techniques
CO5 Remembering Development of safety consciousness
5 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE,LAW AND ETHICS SM702MS CO1 Distinguish the personal , professional and engineering ethics
CO2  Interpret the contract laws
CO3 Determine the arbitration and conciliation mechanism
CO4 Examine the application of the labour laws
CO5  Apply the law relating to intellectual properties
6 Industrial Oriented Mini Project/ Summer Internship CE703PC CO1 Generate a report based on the experiences and projects carried out with the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals
CO2 Compare to Demonstrate competancy in relavant engineering fields through problems identification, formulation and solution
CO3 Develop the ability to work as an individual and in group with capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member
CO4 Explain the professional and ehical responsibilties of an engineer
7 Seminar CE704PC CO1 To understand advanced skills of Technical Communication in English
CO2 To Motive listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in societal and professional life.
CO3 To develop the skills necessary to be a competent Interpersonal communicator.
CO4 Analyze communication behaviors.
CO5 Adapt to multifarious socio-economical and professional arenas with the help of effective communication and interpersonal skills.
8 Project Stage – I CE705PC CO1 Work in a team and effectively communicate with team members
CO2 Review and evaluate the literature available related to chosen problem
CO3 Formulate new expressions, equations to solve that selected problem to enhance problem solving skill
CO4 Validate theoretical and reported data with results obtained from numerical/ experimental/ analytical study Identify scope of future studies